Today’s Daily Create asks us to make a collage of my safe havens. Most of mine are in the West of Scotland, either on or within spitting distance of the Isle of Mull. I grabbed a few from my albums to make a collage, I could have chosen hundreds.
I was brought up in the Peak District, which is stunningly beautiful. With a Cornish father I spend yearly holidays in Cornwall, which is God’s own county. I moved to the Isle of Wight as a teenager – and though I didn’t appreciate it at the time, now I see how lucky I was. But Scotland has my heart. Glasgow is my home and the Scottish scenery wins hands down for me.
Here’s some pics from Mull, with Strontian bay in the middle.
Mull and Strontian flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license