This week’s Daily Create has been all about Shakespeare as it’s the 400th anniversary of his death today. One Monday it was about Yorick, and I did a quick gif. Tuesday I riffed on “Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!”
Wednesday I experimented with a comic which I made using Make Belief Comix:
On Thursday I decided that Bottom’s dream would be an endless pit (black hole) of carrots and used my elderly copy of PaintShop Pro to make this:
On Friday I decided it was time I got to grips with GIMP so I downloaded it onto my work PC and did a quick mashup to amuse my colleagues (well, maybe). I didn’t get around to the daily create though.
Today I downloaded GIMP onto my hole machine and used it to create a Loch Ness Shakespeare:
I’d been wary of using GIMP, as folk had told me how hard it is – but to be honest it’s as easy as PaintShop Pro. OK. so I haven’t found out how to resize images yet (I cheated and did that in Paint first), but making quick mash ups is fairly easy and I love the fact that I can Google for tips easily (the copy of PaintShop Pro I was given has no user manual, so I’ve been proceeding by trial and error).
Now to start refining my skilz. Thanks to Sandy and her partner Peter for the daily creates this week – they’ve been fun.